my lovely girls !
Great to have seen some of you last week on Google Classroom. As of next week your work will only be loaded on Google Classroom so can you please make sure you can log on. The work will be found in the Also any questions you have please post them on Google classroom and I can get back to you.
Our next meeting is Wednesday at 11.00 am so those who didn’t make it, please try this week. The password is warrenmount. If you are struggling to log on ask Lacey or Jorja as they know how. We will be correcting Mental Maths and Irish so please have that work ready on Wednesday thank you.
We are lucky that the weather is great so, try and get out in the fresh air as much as possible. Keep doing the 1K challenge and you can load your times up on Google Classroom during the week.
Here is some work for the week ahead.
Continue reading a chapter of your novels each day. If any of you have finished your novel please read your library books daily.
There is also a great website called with loads of different stories for all levels. If you click in to 10-12 year old content. You could choose to add this to your reading once a week.
Also every day at 11 am you can listen to one of David Wailliams World’s worst Children stories, so sit down, take a break and enjoy 20 minutes of fun.
The website is
Continue to do ½ a page of handwriting Monday to Friday.
If anyone is finished their handwriting book there is a great website called which is very helpful.
Cjfallon. are offering free access to children and teachers during this period.
If you could go in to top of website and click 6th class and then subject English and then click the book “a way with words”, you can log in by giving an email address and your name
This week if you could do Unit 5 and Unit 6 read the comprehensions and answer the questions.
Spellings for the week
Please do 4 spellings a week to learn and put into sentences. Use online dictionaries to look up definitions and please write these definitions down. If parents could do a spelling test at the end of the week to help the girls stay on task that would be great.
Reading groups who are reading Sleeping Baobab read chapter 7 and 8 and do a synopsis of the two chapters. Write 10 sentences for each chapter and include the main events of each chapter.
Group reading Peppermint Pig by Nina Bawden-
Can you reread chapter 9 and 10 and do a synopsis of each chapter.
Your synopsis should be no more than 10 sentences, giving the important information in each chapter. Read over your work and see if the synopsis makes sense and contains the important information.
Tables 10 X and 11X X12.Practice during the week and ask your parents to give you a test on a Friday along with English and Irish spellings to keep you on track.
You can practice these on for free each day
Continue a page of mental maths each week day.
This week we are going to revise and practice division.
If you log on again to and go to 6th class Maths section. Click on the book “Busy at Maths”. I want to revise topics over the next few weeks so there are a lot of work on each page so take your time to complete each one.
Monday: page8
Tuesday: Page 9
Wednesday: Page 10
Thursday : page 11
Friday: page 12
Go into cjfallon and click on 6thclass and subject gaeilge if you don’t have your Irish book. Go to audio section and listen to the story you read last week unit 16 La gan eide scoile. After listening to page 98, pause and read it yourself. Do the same with page 99, listen to audio and then read it yourself. This will help your reading fluency. If you could do question H on page 103. We will go over this on google.
Spellings 4 a day to learn and put into sentences:
We will collect
An la dar gcionn
The day after
Cuma tanai
A thin look
Culaith dubh
Black suit
Last night
Speaclai greine
Sun glasses
Ag am lon
At lunch time
Ag comhra
Discussing/ chatting
Bualadh bos
Direach sin
Straight after
Cheap se
He thought
On CJ fallon can you click into 6th class subject Atlas and Map Assessment 2. If you could look at the World map on page 2 and fill in the assessment page 3. You can look up a World map online to help you. Also look at European map on page 4 and answer questions p 5.
This week I would like you to look back at your time in 6th class. Write 10 things you enjoyed during the year. We will discuss these on Google classroom on Wednesday.
It also would be a good idea to keep meditating as we’d being doing in class as this will be helpful to you if you are anxious or unsettled at this time.
Here is the link weaving wellbeing and go to Mindfulness Meditations.
Also Bressie has a wellbeing Instagram page which gives tips and ideas of staying healthy in your mind during this time.
Stay safe and I’ll have more work for you all next week !