Ms. Dunne's Senior Infants 8-12 June

Hi to all my super Senior Infants! I hope you are all keeping well. Each week I will be posting work on the website for the children to do at home. Please check-in every Monday morning for a new schedule.
Ms. Dunne's Senior Infants 8-12 June

Hello to all my super Senior Infants!

I hope you all had a great week and got out to play in the sunshine!cool

Some more of the lockdown restrictions have been lifted this week which is great news but remember it is still so important to cover any coughs and sneezes and to wash your hands a lot!

Well done on another week of learning at home, you are doing a brilliant job and I am so proud of all of you! smile

As usual this work is just a guideline, there is no pressure to complete all the work.



CJ Fallon Sounds Like Phonics has a great website. You can find it at this link:

Choose the Sounds Like Phonics C book and go to Unit 1: The Aquarium

ck ng.JPG

Monday: Final sounds: -ck -ng Play all activities for -ng

slp revision.JPG

Tuesday: Final sounds: Revision

slp wed.png

Wednesday: Double consonants: -ll -ff first 4 activities

slp thur.png

Thursday: Double consonants: -ll -ff next 4 activities

slp fri.JPG

Friday: Double consonants: -ss -zz


There are super online games, videos and activities for children to practise their blending of sounds.

Every day I will give children a ​1) blending practise video ​and a ​2) word blending online game.



  1. -ng ​words blending video :
  2. Forest phonics spelling / blending game – “ng” :

Tuesday :

  1. Revision of ending digraph sounds blending video : ​
  2. Forest phonics spelling / blending game – “ch” :


  1. -ll blending video :
  2. Double consonant penalty shootout :

Rules : Pick your player and then press “ kick off”. A sentence is given with a word missing , you must pick the word with the ending double consonant which makes sense. You must then try to score a goal!


  1. -ff and -ll blending video ( and -ss )​
  2. Wellington’s Double consonant game :


  1. -ll , -ff , -ss and -zz blending video :
  2. Help a Hedgehog , Phase 3 :



For reading books, Oxford Owl has a great website with free ebooks, you just need to create a login and password first at

When you are logged in you can then access free ebooks which are grouped in levels. The ebook library can be found at

On that page there is a simple test you can complete with your child to see which level of books is most suitable for them. I would suggest starting with a book from age 4-5 or 5-6. You are also welcome to message me on ClassDojo and I will suggest a suitable book for your child.

When you click on a book a small box will appear, click read ebook and the ebook should open in a new tab. There should also be a triangle play button at the bottom of the page. If you click that you can listen to the pages being read aloud.

If you're looking for more reading books, Folens, as an exclusive partner with Collins Big Cat, have joined with Collins in offering free access to hundreds of book-banded readers during school closures.

Follow this link to access 330+ free Collins Big Cat eBooks and a selection of downloadable worksheets to use alongside the books at home

Follow the instructions (additional link redirects to Collins Connect) and sign in as a teacher.


Password: Parents20!

The books are grouped by colours with pink being the first level and lime being the last level. Start with a pink level book and if you feel it is too easy for your child, move up a level or two to find a suitable book. You can send me a message on ClassDojo or an email if you would like me to suggest a suitable level of books for your child.

Questions to ask your child when reading

Before reading the book:

  • Can you point to the title? or What is this? (pointing to the title)
  • What do you think this story will be about? What might happen in the story?
  • What do we call the writing on the back of the book? (Blurb) or What does the blurb tell us?

During the reading of the book:

  • What is happening in the pictures?
  • What has happened so far? Is it what you expected to happen?
  • What might happen next? How do you think the story might end?
  • What sort of character is….? Is he/she friendly/ mean/ nice…?

At the end of the book:

  • Did you like this book? Why? (Encourage children to develop their opinion about books by encouraging them to explain their reasons)
  • What was your favourite part? Why?
  • What was the most interesting/ exciting part of the book? Can you find it?
  • What sort of character was….?
  • Why did that character do … (give a situation/ event from the story)?
  • What happened in the story?

Dolch Words


Dolch or sight words are words that are the most common words in the English language. Therefore, it is important for children to be thoroughly aware of these words for more fluid reading.

We asking asking parents to work on 5 each day with your child:

Monday: tell, much, keep, give, work

Tuesday: first, try, new, must, start

Wednesday:black, white, ten, does, bring

Thursday: goes, write, always, drink, once

Friday: Revision of all list 8 dolch words.

Dolch List 8.jpg

This is a great site for amazing ways to introduce sight words to your children and make it fun for them also:

For extra practice of sight words, the following game is brilliant.

The children listen to a word and then select the word they have heard. There are 15 sets of words in the game. For this week, focus on set 15.


For handwriting this week, the children can work on the ‘Zigzag Monster Letters’. For this week they can practice all the zigzag monster letters v w x z.

zigzag monster letters.png

Here is a link to some handwriting worksheets Handwriting Worksheets 8-12 June.pdf

There are 5 worksheets, the children can do one each day. If you do not have access to a printer, they can practice a letter per day on a page. The following site shows a demonstration of how to form each letter Click on the letter your child is practicing and the aeroplane will show you how to write the letter.



In their Spellbound book the children can complete Week 31 pages 64 and 65.

  • Monday : Exercise 1 - pg 64
  • Tuesday : Exercise 2 - pg 64
  • Wednesday : Exercise 3 - pg 65
  • Thursday : Exercise 4 - pg 65
  • Friday : Exercise 5 - pg 65 and spelling test. (Back of book on Week 31)

The spellings for this week are: bee, see, meet, feet, deep, keep, beep, feed, seed, need.

Ask your child to think of a sentence for each word. You can also write out the list of spellings for your child and ask them to look, say, cover, write and check each day as they are used to doing for their homework. There is a section at the back of the Spellbound book for your child to complete their weekly spelling test on Friday, they should be on Week 31.



Every day in school we practice counting forwards and backwards to 20. Keep this up at home with your child.

  • Count forwards from 1-20 and backwards from 20-1. Ask your child to stand up and sit down for each number, touch their head then their shoulders for each number or shoulders and knees. They should be used to doing this as we do it every day in school!
  • Pick a different number to start and end each time. For example: start at 8 and count forwards to 18. Start at 15 and count backwards to 4. Keep the starting and ending numbers between 1 and 20.
  • Number sequence: Parent says two numbers and the child says the next number. For example: 12, 13, ? 7, 6, ?

For maths this week we are doing some more work on addition up to 10 and money.

Here are some online games to work on addition and money.

Monday: Count and Add

Tuesday: Adding 3 digits

Wednesday: Addition of 3 digits

Thursday: Add Up To 10

Friday: Match the Coins


If your child has their Cracking Maths book at home they can do pages 127-131 this week.


Monday: page 127


Tuesday: page 128


Wednesday: page 129


Thursday: page 130


Friday: page 131

Splashlearn Maths

I have set up Splashlearn Maths accounts for the children in my Ready Set Go maths group. (Areej, Devon, Marwah, Leo, Faria, Shirish) I will be setting new activities and games every week. I have emailed you the class code and your child’s password. If you did not get the email or you need any help with accessing the activities please email me

Ms. Hanrahan has set up accounts for her group. (Fergus, Amelia, Anum, Jan, Fatima, Oliver) Please email her for your child’s login details if they are in Ms. Hanrahan’s group.

Ms. de Forge has set up accounts for her group. (Aysha, Eabha, Lennox, Rayaan, Suhaira, Alanna) Please email her for your child’s login details if they are in Ms. de Forge’s group.

I know that some of you have been working so hard on Splashlearn and you are making great progress! Well done! Keep up the good work this week!

Gaeilge - Irish

bua na cainte.jpg

Bua na Cainte is the interactive programme we use to teach Gaeilge in the classroom.

During the school closures, Edco has offered free access to Bua na Cainte for parents, however you will need a computer or laptop to install the software.

To access this excellent resource, do the following:

Go to

    1. Click on the folder that matches the device you are installing it onto – mac or PC.
    2. Choose Senior Infants and click on the setup icon to install it on your device. It takes about 15 minutes to install.
    3. Once it is installed, you can open up the programme and enter the login details

Password: trial Username: trial

The children are very familiar with the characters and the layout so they should be able to navigate through it to find stories, lessons, games and songs.

If you have downloaded and installed Bua na Cainte on your computer you can access the following Irish lessons. If not, you can still teach the vocabulary and play some word games!

This week we are working on the theme Siopadóireacht (Shopping).

Monday: Ceacht 4 (Lesson 4) Click on the yellow speech bubble to watch a video and then click on the grey game controller for some games.

Tuesday: Ceacht 5 (Lesson 5) Click on the yellow speech bubble to watch 2 videos (Comhrá 5.1 and Comhrá 5.2), and then click on the grey game controller for some games.

Wednesday: Ceacht 6 (Lesson 6) Click on the yellow speech bubble to watch a video and then click on the grey game controller for some games.

Thursday: Ceacht 7 (Lesson 7) Click on the yellow speech bubble to watch a video, click on the green music note for a song and then click on the grey game controller for some games.

Friday: Ceacht 8 (Lesson 8) Click on the yellow speech bubble to watch a video and then click on the grey game controller for some games.

The new words for this theme are:

  • Liathróid (lee-ah-rode) ball
  • Cluiche (clih-hah) game
  • Scútar (skoo-tar) scooter
  • Leabhar (loww-ur) book
  • Capall (cop-ull) horse
  • Bád (bawd) boat
  • Tralaí (trolley) trolley
  • Bosca (bus-kah) box
  • Mála (maw-lah) bag
  • Cófra (coh-frah) cupboard/wardrobe
  • Lán (lawn) full
  • Folamh (full-uv) empty
  • Airgead (arr-ah-gid) money
  • Ag siopadóireacht (egg shup-ah-dore-ockt) shopping
  • Ag ceannach (egg cyann-ock) buying
  • Ag marcaíocht (egg mar-key-ockt) horse riding
  • Ag imirt peile (egg im-urt pell-ah) playing football
  • Ag léamh (egg lay-uv) reading
  • Ag canadh (egg con-ah) singing
  • Ag damhsa (egg dow-sah) dancing
  • Ag seinm ceoil (egg shen-im key-ohl) playing music
  • Ag díol (egg deal) selling


Tips :

  • It would be great to print the flashcards out if you can, or write these words (with pictures if you can) on paper / card and play some simple games in order to help the children remember the words.
  • You could play a scavenger hunt with the flash cards and get them to go find it e.g. "Ba mhaith liom ..." (I would like...) and they must go find it
  • Playing memory games with the flashcards are great too. Lay out 3 or 4 of the cards, let them memorise where they are, close their eyes and take away one. Ask “Cad atá imithe?”Cod a-taw im-ee-ha? (What is missing?) They must remember the missing word and answer “Tá ________ imithe!” Ask them to challenge you too!
  • You could print or make 2 sets of the cards and play ‘Pairs’ with your child. Lay the cards out upside down. Turn a card over and say the word on it, turn another card over and say the word. If the 2 cards match you can keep them. If they don’t match, the cards are turned upside down again and it’s the next player’s turn. The trick is to remember which cards are where. The person with the most matching pairs at the end of the game wins.

You can play a guessing game with the flashcards. Hide a flashcard behind your back and get your child to guess what it is by asking “An __________ é? On _______ ay? If they are correct you can answer “Sea” Sh-ah , if they do not guess correctly you can answer “Ní hea” nee hah. You can also let your child hide the flashcard while you guess what it is!


pe clipart.jpeg

Monday :Joe Wicks Live @ 9:00

Tuesday :Cosmic Kids – Pokemon:

Wednesday : Go Noodle –Indoor Recess 4 :

Thursday : 10@10 , Episode 7 :

Friday : Joe Wicks Live @ 9:00



Out of the Ark have provided free access to their website during school closures. You can find it at this link This week we are going to try some songs from the ‘Sing In Every Subject’ section of the website

Monday: Recycle It!

Tuesday: Living And Learning

Wednesday: I've Got A Cardboard Box

Thursday: Eat Your Greens

Friday: The Planets



This week we will be learning all about Earthworms and other Minibeasts:

Informational Videos about worms:

Powerpoint :Wriggly Worms Powerpoint.pptx

Make a Worm Hotel : Make Your Own Worm Hotel.pdf

Additional Worksheets :

Outdoors Explorers Journal worms.pdf - Draw a picture of the worm you saw outside in the soil

worm facts.png

worm writing.png


Informational Videos about Mini beasts:

Minibeast Powerpoint

Minibeasts Photo Powerpoint.ppt

minibeasts ppt.jpg

Bugs Songs :

Activity :

minibeast hotel (2).png

Go for a Minibeast Nature walk and tick off the minibeasts you see along the way

Nature walk minibeast checklist : Mini beasts nature walk checklist.pdf

Or record which minibeasts you see and in which habitat using this sheet

minibeast record (2).png

Big Book to support learning of Minibeasts : The Cautious Caterpillar

cautious caterpillar.jpg

Read aloud video

What Am I Guessing Game Powerpoint

The Cautious Caterpillar What Am I Powerpoint.ppt

what am i.jpg

Additonal Worksheets :

Minibeast habitat matching worksheet : Minibeasts and Their Habitats Worksheet.pdf


minibeast facts.png



minbeast counting.png

Small world pages based on topic :


Page 48


page 49



art clipart.png

Drawing :

How to draw a ladybug

How to draw a butterfly

How to draw an ant

How to draw a caterpillar

How to draw a bee

Painting /Print :

Potato stamped lady bugs :

Symmetrical Butterfly Craft :


Handprint Bumble bee :

bee art.jpg

Bug painted rocks :



Easy peg dragonflies :


Toilet roll butterflies :


Egg carton caterpillars :


Snail Paper Craft :


Here is a sample daily timetable to give some structure to your day. Please note this is just a sample and does not have to be followed!




Handwriting and Spellbound




Phonics activities


Snack and break time (go outside or GoNoodle/Cosmic Yoga)


Sight Word Activities/Dolch Words




Maths games, counting and workbook






Art, SESE Play- lego, jigsaws, playdough, colouring etc.


School finished

** If your child works with Ms.Doherty, Ms. Staunton, Ms. Hanrahan, Mr. Cullen, Ms. Lindon, Ms. O’Rourke or Ms. de Forge please check their page on the website for more home learning activities for your child. **

Extra activities and challenges will be posted on our ClassDojo page so make sure to have a look there too!

If you would like to send me a picture of your child's work you can upload it to their portfolio on ClassDojo or send it in a message to me and I will look at it. I would love to hear from you!

If you wish to contact me you can message me on ClassDojo or email me at

Take care

Ms. Dunne

05 2025
Teachers Training- School Closure at 12pm
06 2025
World Book Day
10 2025
Seachtain na Gaeilge
17 2025
Bank Holiday
18 2025
School Closed
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