Ms Coyne - 1st & 2nd class work May 18th -22nd

Ms Coyne - 1st & 2nd class work May 18th -22nd

Hello 1st & 2nd class cool

I hope you are doing well and you had a good week. It was lovely to hear from some of you this week and to see your smiley faces. Well done on all the fantastic work you are doing at home. Here are some of this weeks activities for you to try. Give as many of the activities as you can a go, see what you get done. Everybody's situation is different at the moment so don't feel under any pressure to try and complete everything. Just do what works best for you and your child. If you have any questions or have any difficulty with any of the activities please email me at

Take care of yourselves & chat soon,

Ms. Coyne smile

**The children’s book collection will take place this Thursday 21st at 11 am - 12 pm. I will have your child’s books ready to hand over at the front gate of the school. Please spread the word to your friends. Thank you


Call these sentences out so your child can practice writing them down correctly.
Repeat the sentence as many times as your child needs.

Sound out each word and try to spell it correctly.

If you’re not sure make your best guess.

Don't forget your capital letters and full stops.

1st Class:

  1. Where is my red scarf?
  2. I love eating apples.
  3. I want to play outside.
  4. There are clouds in the sky.
  5. Ben went for a cycle on his new bike.
  6. There is a hole in my sock.
  7. What time is dinner at?
  8. I will walk to the shop to buy milk.

2nd class:

  1. Park the new car over by the shop.
  2. The family saw a shark in the sea.
  3. The girl got dirt on her shirt and had to change.
  4. I am glad I have a snack in my hand.
  5. I can't wait to go to the party this weekend.
  6. Sally lost her beautiful new coat at the park.
  7. I love building sand castles and collecting sea shells at the beach.
  8. What would you like to eat?

Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes - Jack and the Beanstalk

  1. Listen to Roald Dalh's Revolting Rhyme and answer the questions in your copy.
  2. How is Ronald Dahl’s Jack and the Beanstalk different to the original tale?
  3. Do you like Roald Dahl's version of Jack and the Beanstalk? why?
  4. Which are your favorite parts of the poem and why?
  5. Draw a picture of your favourite part of the poem.


I hope you enjoyed reading Invisible Alligators by Hayes Robert's last week.

This week I would like you to read Who did Patrick's Homework? - by Carol Moore

Find this story by clicking the link below.

Continue to ask your child lots of questions about the story they are reading:

What is the title of this book?
Who is the author?
Who is the illustrator?
What do you predict will happen in this story?
What do you predict will happen next?
What is happening in the pictures?
Who is the main character in this story?
Can you describe the characters in this story?
What is this story about?


Practice counting forward and back from different numbers between 1-100 everyday.

Tables: I hope you got on alright at your tables last week and tested yourself on your 3's & 4's times tables. This week I would like you to revise all of the tables we have covered so far - 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 10's - Have someone mix the tables up and call out different ones. You can write the answers down or say them out loud.

Try this counting activity in your copy.


Give this All About Me numbers activity a go in your copy.


Continue to check the clock everyday the day at different times and see if you can tell what time it is.

o'clock / half past/ quarter past / quarter to/ half past / 5 past/ 10 past/ 20 past/ 25 past/ 25 to/ 20 to/ 10 to/ 5 to.



It was great to hear that some of you were really enjoying playing the Toy Shop Money game online.

I will link it again this week if you would like to play it again.

Clink the link below to play

This week why not buy something in the shop yourself:

  • First check the price of the item you are going to buy
  • Then check how much money you have - count out all of your coins. Do you have enough?
  • Try to calculate what change you should get back.
  • Count out your change and check that you have received the correct amount.

If you have a dice at home why not give these dice addition and subtraction games a go.



First Class




Greater than / Less than/ Equal to:




Practice math by playing some fun interactive games. Click the links below:


It is important that we are able to notice, feel and label our emotions.

This week I would like you to talk about positive emotions and think of times that you feel calm/proud/grateful/ amazed/ interested/ inspired/ loved etc..

Draw a picture of yourself when you felt amazed/ grateful/ inspired /proud (choose one emotion).




Try this nature walk scavenger hunt the next time you are outside enjoying some fresh air.

Tick off each item as you find it.

You can draw this chart into your copy and bring it with you on your walk - don't forget your pencil!



Why not pick up some pebbles while your out on your nature walk scavenger hunt.

If you do get around to making your own minibeast feel free to email me pictures of your art work as I would love to see them.

Email me at

Have fun!laughing




You might enjoy singing along to these songs. The children already know ''Tell Me Ma'' and really enjoyed singing it in class.


Use this fun Spell your name PE activity as an active break after you complete some of your work to help you refocus.

Spell your name and then check what activity you need to do for each letter.

Eg. Bella = Five jumping jacks/ hop on your left foot/ kick your right foot as high as you can (x2)/ 5 jumping jacks


Guided relaxation video for kids.

05 2025
Teachers Training- School Closure at 12pm
06 2025
World Book Day
10 2025
Seachtain na Gaeilge
17 2025
Bank Holiday
18 2025
School Closed
Please take time to read the following important information from the management and staff of Presentation Primary Warrenmount. Thank you.
Here are the Class Allocations for 2024/2025
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Presentation Primary School,
Dublin 8

01 4539547

Green School
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