Ms Coyne - 1st & 2nd class work June 8th - 12th

Ms Coyne - 1st & 2nd class work June 8th - 12th

Hello girls and boyssmile

I hope you had a great week. Thank you for all your lovely emails I love hearing from you. I have been looking through the pictures of the work you have sent me and I have to say I am so impressed. The work that you are doing at home is fantastic - well done and keep it up!cool

You will find this weeks activities below. Give as many of the activities as you can a go. I completely understand that everybody's home situation is different at the moment so don't feel under pressure to complete everything. Pick and choose activities and work at a pace that suits you and your child.

If you have any questions or you would like to share some of the work that your child has completed you can email me at

Take care & chat again soon,

Ms. Coyne


Oral language.png

Complete this exercise in your copy:



Read this summer poem ''The Beach'' by Tanja Tlusty.

Think about what your favourite things are about the beach and discuss it with your family.

Summer Poem Pack by Journey of a Substitute Teacher | TpT


Call these sentences out so your child can practice writing them down correctly.
Repeat the sentence as many times as your child needs.

Sound out each word and try to spell it correctly.

If you’re not sure make your best guess.

Don't forget your capital letters and full stops.

First Class

  • Tom and Pat went to visit their friend.
  • I ran across the school yard.
  • My sister is taller than me.
  • She lives down the street.
  • He played with the green ball.
  • Yesterday he went down to his school.

Second Class

  • I am excited to play in the park with my friends.
  • There was a big chocolate cake at the birthday party.
  • Ben tumbled down the hill.
  • Tom is upset because he lost his orange jumper.
  • The girl and boy are playing football in the garden.
  • On Saturday I went to feed the ducks in the pond.


Continue to work through the dolch word list at a pace that suits you.

Test yourself at the end of the week on the words that you have been practicing.

*Look, say, cover, write, check

dolch word list.png


It is important that you continue to practice your reading every day.

I hope you enjoyed reading ''Fruit Salad'' by Richard Swan last week.

This week I would like you to read '' Pirate's Treasure'' by Carol Moore

Find this story by clicking the link below:

Asking questions is such an important part of the reading process.

Please read the list of questions below.

pick and choose questions from this list to ask your child before, during and after the stories that they are reading.

reading before.png

reading during.png

reading after.png

Enjoy listening to these fantastic stories:

  • What was your favourite story? Why?
  • Who was your favourite character in the story? Why?
  • What story did you like the least? Why?
  • What was your favourite part in one of the stories you listened to? Can you describe the setting of this scene?


  • Complete one section daily in your Mathemagic work books.
  • Practice counting forward and back from different numbers between 1-100 everyday.
  • Revise your tables - 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 10's
  • Use your deck of cards make practicing your addition and subtraction fun. Play some card games with members of your family eg. go fish/ snap/ pairs/ higher or lower?

*Continue to practice Telling the Time:

Language:clock, watch, telling the time, what time is it?, big hand, small hand, minutes, hours, o'clock, half past, quarter past, AM, PM, days of the week, months of the year, seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter)

  • Look at a clock and a watch, look at how the hands move around and how the bigger hand moves more often than the small hand. The big hand shows us the minutes and the small hand shows the hours.
  • Sequence the days of the week, months of the year and the seasons. Which one comes before/after?



First Class

Practice your number patterns:

Patterns Worksheets | Dynamically Created Patterns Worksheets




Addition Worksheets: 20 Printable [+ Free] Resources | Prodigy ...

Second Class:

Practice your number patterns:

Growing and Shrinking Number Patterns (A) Patterning Worksheet ...

Counting Euros 3 Worksheet for 2nd - 3rd Grade | Lesson Planet

Counting Money (Euros) Worksheet for 5th - 8th Grade | Lesson Planet

Euro Coins European Worksheets 500 Questions with answers Counting ...

√ Second Grade Addition Worksheets

Check out these links for some fun interactive math games, brain teasers and activities.


I have attached a link to a Powerpoint on "Bia" (food).

The children in 1st & 2nd class have already covered this topic so they will be familiar with the words for the different items of food

Look at the pictures and say the say the words for each of the food items.

Play Is maith liom/ Ní maith liom for all of the bia.

eg. Is maith liom subh ( I like jam) / Ní maith liom arán ( I don't like bread)


*Check out these T.V programmes for children on TG4 through Irish. Click on the link below to take you there.




This week you are going to celebrate the special ways that we are all different.

Have a discussion with your family about what makes you special and unique.

Discuss how important it is to be respectful of everyone's differences and how we treat everybody equally and look after each other.

sphe 4.png

There are lots of people in the world and all of them are different.

There is no one quite like you!!

Have a look at this power point by clicking on the link below and think about all the things that make you unique & special.

Read this poem and discuss the important message that it gives us.

international kids song (With images) | Kids poems, Poetry for ...

Complete this ''I am special because..'' activity in your copy and list all the ways that you are special.

Draw a picture of yourself and decorate it.

I AM Special Because Worksheet - Bing Images (With images ...




05 2025
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17 2025
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