You can practice counting in 2s,5s and 10s using this site:
Numerals from 1-1000
I hope that you had fun practising reading big numbers like the one below
If you have a number like 246
The red number is called out first, followed by the word “hundred” So in this case two hundred/200
Next you say the word “and” followed by the last 2 digits (yellow and green) together and forty six/46
Say it altogether and it reads “two hundred and forty six”
Sometimes there are no units so you just say __hundred and 10/20/30 etc Try these:
350,420,860 and so on
Sometimes there are no tens! So you just say __hundred and 1/2/3/4 etc up to 9
502,103,709 and so on
Making and reading numbers beyond 100 using digit cards
This week I want you to use 3 digits and move them around to make as many numbers as you can:
If you read the number as it is that is your first number 371. next put the 7 at the front and see what number you get.
There are 6 numbers to find. Can you see what is a) the biggest number and b) the smallest number you made. Try these next ones and watch out for the zero!
Try 9 4 0
Here are some sites/games that will help you with tens and units, ordering numbers up to 100
Here is a game to help you practice adding doubles
This next game allows you to practise number bonds to 10/20/100 and doubles to 10 and beyond!
Please contact me by email if you need help with any of the above :