Ms. Connolly's J.I. Home Learning May 11th- May 15th

Please click here to see this week's work for May 11th to May 15th.
Ms. Connolly's J.I. Home Learning May 11th- May 15th

Ms. Connolly’s Junior Infants

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May 11th- May 15th 2020

Big hello to all the lovely Junior Infants!laughing

I hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying the sunshine. I am loving the pictures and videos of all your amazing work being sent on Class Dojo. I miss you all very much and I am so proud of all the brilliant work you are doing at home for your parents!! Please don't feel under pressure to get all of the work done, just use it as a guideline.

Remember to check Class Dojo daily for extra ideas.

If you have any questions send me a message on Class Dojo or send an email to:


Take care everyone. I hope you all have a great week! Ms. Connollysmile

If your child works with Ms.Doherty, Ms. Lindon/ Ms. O'Rourke, Ms. Staunton, Mr. Cullen or Ms. DeForge please check their page on the website for more home learning activities for your child.

This weeks theme is:





Today’s revision is the letter ‘oa’, here are some activities:

  • Think of words with the sound 'oa'- goat, boat, oak, coat
  • Look around your house and see if you can spot something which contains the ‘oa’ sound.
  • Using the link play the games in the ‘oa’ resource bank (book B, unit 1)
  • Draw some pictures of objects that have the ‘oa’ sound.

Say each letter sound and then push all the sounds together:

  • goat, boat

Tricky word:

  • of
  • Think of some sentences using the word ‘of’


Mad about Minibeasts

Reading Activity:

  • Children can draw a picture of their favourite minibeast from the story.

  • Mute the story and read it yourself with your child, this time leaving spaces for children to join in with the repeated phrases. Reading the story again and again helps children to read more of the story themselves and builds their confidence in books and reading.
  • Pause the read along story and play ‘I spy’ - What minibeasts can you see?


  • CVC words are short words that have a constant, vowel and constant
  • Since we are finished writing our letters, we will begin to write and read short words. You don’t need to print out this sheet, just use a blank page that you have at home
  • Don’t forget it’s important to form the letter correctly, just as the picture below shows.

lettrer formations.PNG

cvc 4.PNG


  • 2-D Shapes- Circle

circle rhyme.png

- Can you find any circles in your house?

- What colour are the circles?

- Can find any patterns that have circles in them?

- Try draw some circles, how many can you draw?

- Trace the circles below

circle trace.png

  • Maths Splash daily challenge.


Our theme for this week is:

  • Today’s lesson is Caitheamh Aimsire - Ceacht 1


  • Go on a minibeast hunt in your garden or nearby park.
  • Can you find any of these minibeasts?
  • Where did you find them?
  • What colour were they?
  • Did they have legs, if so how many?

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  • Cosmic Yoga- Stella the Stick Insect (the first story on this link)




Today’s revision is the letter ‘ie’, here are some activities:

  • Think of words with the sound ‘ie’ – pie, lie, tie
  • Look around your house and see if you can spot something that has the ‘ie’ sound.
  • Using the link play the games in the ‘ie’ resource bank in Book B, unit 1.
  • Draw some pictures of objects that have the ‘ie’ sound.
  • Say each letter sound and then push all the sounds together: pie, tie

Tricky word:

Look for the word ‘of’ in books


What the Ladybird Heard - Julia Donaldson

Reading activity: Rhyming Words

  • Can you find these words in the story:

- Hen

- How

- Hog

- Cow

- Pen

- Dog

Try to match the rhyming words!


  • What animal speaks first?
  • How many animals are on the page?
  • What animal are the men trying not to wake up?


  • Try to sequence the story of What the Ladybird Heard
  • Can you draw a picture for what happened during the beginning/ middle and end of the story?


  • CVC words are short words that have a constant, vowel and constant
  • We will do three new cvc words today. Use the words and the ideas on the sheet below. You don’t need to print out this sheet, just use a blank page that you have at home
  • Don’t forget it’s important to form the letter correctly, just as the picture on Monday shows.

cvc 3.PNG


  • 2-D Shapes- Square

square rhyme.png

- Can you find any squares in your house?

- What colour are the squares?

- Can you find any patterns that have squares in them?

- How many sides does a square have?

- Are all the sides the same length?

- Try to draw some squares, how many can you draw?

- Trace the squares below

square trace.png

  • Maths Splash daily challenge.


  • Caitheamh Aimsire - Ceacht 2


  • Cosmic Yoga- Arnold the Ant (the second story on this link)




Today’s revision is the letter ‘ee’, here are some activities:

  • Think of words with the sound ‘ee’ – see, week, deep, sleep
  • Look around your house and see if you can spot something that has the ‘ee’ sound.
  • Using the link, check out this youtube video about the sounds ‘ee’ and ‘or’ (we will use this video tomorrow for the ‘or’ sound)

  • Draw some pictures of objects that have the ‘ee’ sound.
  • Say each letter sound and then push all the sounds together: see, week

Tricky word:

Play tricky word bingo using the bingo card and flashcards in your homework folder.


  • Can you think of where these minibeasts live and match them to the correct jar?
  • A butterfly, a spider, a worm, a ladybird, caterpillar


  • CVC words are short words that have a constant, vowel and constant
  • We will do three new cvc words today. Use the words and the ideas on the sheet below. You don’t need to print out this sheet, just use a blank page that you have at home
  • Don’t forget it’s important to form the letter correctly, just as the picture on Monday shows.

cvc 6.PNG


  • 2-D Shapes- Triangle

triangle rhyme.png

- Can you find any triangles in your house?

- What colour are the triangles?

- Can find any patterns that have triangles in them?

- How many sides does a triangle have?

- Try draw some triangles, how many can you draw?

- Trace the triangles below

triangle trace.PNG

  • Maths Splash daily challenge.


  • Caitheamh Aimsire - Ceacht 3


  • Cosmic Yoga Enzo the Bee (the third story on this link)




Today’s revision is the letter ‘or’, here are some activities:

  • Think of words with the sound ‘or’ – for, corn, horn
  • Look around your house and see if you can spot something that has the ‘or’ sound.
  • Using the link, check out this youtube video about the sounds ‘ee’ and ‘or'

  • Draw some pictures of objects that have the ‘or’ sound.
  • Say each letter sound and then push all the sounds together: corn, fork

Tricky word:

Write the word some using your favourite pens/ markers

This video will give you some ideas


  • CVC words are short words that have a constant, vowel and constant
  • We will do three new cvc words today. Use the words and the ideas on the sheet below. You don’t need to print out this sheet, just use a blank page that you have at home
  • Don’t forget it’s important to form the letter correctly, just as the picture on Monday shows.

cvc 7.PNG


  • 2-D Shapes- Rectangle

rectangle rhyme.png

- Can you find any rectangles in your house?

- What colour are the rectangles?

- Can you find any patterns that have rectangles in them?

- How many sides does a rectangle have?

- Are all the sides the same length?

- How are rectangles different to squares?

- Try to draw some rectangles, how many can you draw?

-Trace the rectangles below

trace rectangle.PNG


  • Caitheamh Aimsire - Ceacht 4


  • Have a look at this Social Story about COVID-19

  • How can I help to stop spreading germs?
  • What is your favourite thing about staying at home with your family?


  • Out of the Ark Music - “If I were a mini-beast”
  • Practice this song at home





Today’s revision is the letter ‘ng’, here are some activities:

  • Think of sounds beginning or ending with the letter ‘ng' - song, bing
  • Look around your house/ outside spot items beginning with the ‘ng’ sound.
  • Using the link to watch a video all about the ‘ng’ sound
  • Draw some pictures of objects that have the ‘ng’ sound.
  • Say each letter sound and then push all the sounds together: ring, long

Tricky Word:

"Show me" game using flashcards in homework folder- parent says show me “the", child points, etc.


  • Shape hunt- have a look around your house/ garden for all of the shapes we learned this week! Use the sheet below to keep track of what you find!

shape hunt.PNG


  • Caitheamh Aimsire - Ceacht 5


  • Draw a Ladybird


  • Bug ‘n’ Roll Dance Along

Minibeast weekly recap!

05 2025
Teachers Training- School Closure at 12pm
06 2025
World Book Day
10 2025
Seachtain na Gaeilge
17 2025
Bank Holiday
18 2025
School Closed
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