Mindfulness and Wellbeing for little bodies!
With everything happening at the minute it is very easy to become overwhelmed and stressed and the children can feel this too. It is very important for the children to take care of their little bodies and help their minds stay healthy and happy!
Here are a few ideas and videos that might be useful...
Mindfulness Breathing: Belly Buddies!
Ask your child to choose their favourite teddy and to lie down gently on the floor. Ask them to place their teddy onto their belly. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Feel free to tell the children that the teddy is very sleepy and needs to be slowly rocked to sleep. Ask your child to watch the teddy closely as it rises and falls as they breathe in and out.
Try counting up1..2..3.. – down1..2..3..
You can do this with your child at any stage of the day, maybe even before bed-time to wind down.
Zen Den! – Cosmic Yoga
Cosmic Yoga have a range of ‘Zen Den’ videos. The children love them and it is a nice way to have a mindful break during the day!