Ms Carty 4th class May 11 - 15th

Hi girls, here you will find the work for the week of May 11- 15
Ms Carty 4th class May 11 - 15th
New important notice
On Wednesday May 20th I will giving out the books of the girls in 4th class at the front gate of the school between 12 and 1 o’clock. They will be packed up so If you could please collect them during this time that would be great. If you are in contact with anyone else in 4th class please spread the word.

Hi girls,

I hope you're all keeping well, making memories and having fun with your family. I know it is hard to keep motivated to do school work without your friends and teachers so this week I want to see you all getting CREATIVE and having FUN.

Everything for this week will be found on this page!

Have a great week,

Ms Carty


First challenge of the week is to do a creative hairstyle. Please take a picture of your hairstyle at the end and send me a picture :)

Here is my crazy hairstyle, I had so much fun doing it!



Below is a link to the first chapter of Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone read by Daniel Radcliffe who plays the character of Harry Potter in the films.

Each week there'll be different characters reading a chapter, listen to the first chapter this week and complete the challenge below.

As a class I would like us to all listen to the first chapter together this week.If you have the book please take it out and follow it while he reads it. (I know my reading group have read this but you will enjoy the challenges and collecting house points and how cool is it to hear THE Harry Potter read it for you)

Here's the link:


Your task is to collect as many house points as you can throughout the challenges I set each week just like they do in the book. It is up to you to record them in your hourglass. Your hourglass can be any container – a bottle, a jar, a box. Every time you earn a house point, cut out a little square or circle of paper or card – colour it in with your house colour (you choose)– and then put it into your hourglass. You can email me your answers to the challenges below. Have fun!

Your first challenge after you listen to the chapter is to....

  1. Write down which character is your favourite so far and write a short description of them. This mini-challenge is worth 2 house points.
  2. Draw Professor McGonagall as a cat, sitting on the wall outside number 4, Privet Drive. This mini-challenge is worth 1 house point.
  3. Write about yourself: Albus Dumbledore likes sherbet lemons. Write down your favourite treat, and try to describe why you like it.This mini-challenge is worth 3 house point.
  4. Prediction time! This is where you guess what might happen later in the book. Write down whether you think the Dursleys will be nice to Harry Potter? This mini-challenge is worth 1 house point

You can complete this Quiz also when you finish the above :)

Feel free to discuss the first chapter with your friends by picking up the phone and giving them a call or any form of communication you have through apps.


Mr Bonner, Ms Staunton & my reading group here are you spellings for the week and the cloze procedure will appear at the bottom of this page also in the gallery part.


  • Every day take 4 spellings and put them into sentences (use a dictionary or google the meaning)
  • Monday - look, say cover and look for any patterns.
  • Tuesday - Make a rap using 4 of the words.
  • Wednesday - Cloze procedure (see picture below)
  • Thursday - Revise
  • Friday - Ask someone at home to test you.

Spelling List

  1. Package
  2. Passage
  3. Luggage
  4. Engage
  5. Engaged
  6. Encourage
  7. Shortage
  8. Cabbage
  9. Courage
  10. Message
  11. Damage
  12. Manage
  13. Passage
  14. Average
  15. Move
  16. Vicious

Mr Cullen's reading group here are your spellings and Cloze procedure

1. Every day take 2 spellings and put them into sentences (use a dictionary or google the meaning)
2. Monday - look, say cover and look for any patterns.
3. Tuesday - Make a rap using 4 of the words.
4. Wednesday - Cloze procedure (see picture below)
5. Thursday - Revise
6. Friday - Ask someone at home to test you

Spelling List - words ending in 'ch' and 'sh'

  1. lunch
  2. bunch
  3. crunch
  4. branch
  5. couch
  6. brush
  7. rush
  8. bush

Fill in the blanks

  1. I forgot to bring my copy on the table because I was in a _________.
  2. I love having a tasty _______.
  3. I love watching movies while sitting on my _________.
  4. I love to climb the tree and sit on the ________.
  5. I always _______ my hair when I wake up.
  6. I found an Easter Egg in the ______ during the Easter Egg hunt.
  7. I love to walk through leaves and hear them _______.
  8. I bought my Mum a _______ of flowers.


Access E-books (online books) on Please create an account with an email address to access these books. Its free to join!



This week I want you to take a break from maths time and table toppers and just sing some of the times tables songs on youtube under 'laugh along and learn maths times table songs' for whatever tables you feel you need to work on. Read on to see what you can work on this week.

Try out some fun online games to challenge yourself this week:

This week we are going to recap on some of the work we have done so far to allow you to all catch up. I have left worksheets that will appear at the bottom of this page to cover each topic we have covered online here. Try to complete one a day over the week while recapping on the lessons below:

3D shapes :

Problem solving:

Long multiplication:



These two links will help you the most at home to help improve your Irish.

Click in and listen to a video from this link:

Play some interactive games here: Cluiche

(When you click into the games you might see a menu, choose "An Mhumhain" and click "roghnaigh". This chooses the type of Irish (or dialect) that the children will hear.



It is so important to remain as active as we can either inside or outside but being careful and staying safe.

Check out how the staff at Warrenmount are keeping active and take some ideas from this video on how you can stay active :) I can't wait to get back and go skipping with you all!!

Here's a link on the website with excellent links to some fun ways to stay active.


SESE - History

For History, I want you to make a Covid 19 time capsule. I am going to make one too and I look forward to opening it in years to come when this is History. You don't have to show anyone what you write you can make it and then hide it in a safe place in your home.

Here's how to make one and what to include:

  • Get a shoebox or any container like it. Design it and include your name and date on it.
  • Mindfulness hand - Trace you hand onto paper and inside your hand include words on how you feel and colourful designs.
  • Safe at home - Draw pictures of what you are doing to stay safe at home. Write two things that you like the most about being safe at home and at two things that you are most looking forward to at the bottom of the page.
  • Interview - Interview your parents/guardians. Write the following questions out on paper and their answers to include in the box. Questions: How many days have you been at home? How are you feeling? 3. What has been the bieest change for you? 4. What are you thankful for? 5. What are you most looking forward to doing? 6. What has been your favourite moment?
  • Letter to myself: Title this page 'Letter to myself' and write a letter to your future self. It might include what you are looking forward to, what you miss, how you are feeling, what changes you have seen during this time. Don't forget to include dates.
  • History in the Making - We are living through history. Take a look at some newspapers in your home, Cut out some articles or record some of the headlines. If you don't have newspapers than you could google some headlines and include them. Don't forget to include dates.



This week we are going to listen to a song and learn a new dance to it. Some of you might know it - it's called 'Roar' by Katy Perry. The message in it is about being brave. Just like all of you are being during this time. Have fun with it and get your family to join in. :)

Here is the dance to follow along to

Finally, please try to meditate once a week. You can youtube meditation for kids on youtube or use this link
This is the link for weaving wellbeing and go to Mindfulness Meditations. You could get your family to join in with you.
Below you find the maths worksheets do to over the week based on what we have learned so far and the cloze procedure. :)
Ms Carty 4th class May 11 - 15thMs Carty 4th class May 11 - 15thMs Carty 4th class May 11 - 15thMs Carty 4th class May 11 - 15thMs Carty 4th class May 11 - 15th
05 2025
Teachers Training- School Closure at 12pm
06 2025
World Book Day
10 2025
Seachtain na Gaeilge
17 2025
Bank Holiday
18 2025
School Closed
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