Ms. Healy's home learning 22nd - 26th June

Ms. Healy's home learning 22nd - 26th June

Hi girls and boys,

Welcome to the last week of your home-school work! I can’t believe this is the last week of First Class for us. It wasn’t the year that we expected but you all adapted so well and made a great effort to do your work at home. I know I will see the girls in September but I want to say a big good luck and goodbye to the First Class boys who are moving onto their new schools, don’t forget to come back and visit us and tell us all about your new schools and new friends.

Thank you to all the parents. It has been fantastic working with you all this year, you have been very supportive and you have all coped so well with this unprecedented home schooling of your children. It’s time now to ease ourselves into the summer holidays so this week I have put up a few enjoyable activities!

I have included some virtual school tours, some daily art activities, some well-being activities, some Sports Day activities and some reading, I hope you enjoy it.

I will still be available through Class Dojo and on my email ( throughout the summer holidays so please contact me if you need anything.

I hope you all have a great summer, look after yourselves and others, be careful in the water, wear your sunscreen, wash your hands and have some well-deserved fun!

Take care,

Ms. Healy laughing

Virtual school tours

Of course I would love if we were all going on our real school tour but since that isn’t possible at the moment these virtual tours are the next best thing. Click on the links to take you on the different tours.

Dublin zoo


The Natural History Museum


Some of the rides

VST Splash Mountain at Disney World Ride and Water Slide

The Seas with Nemo and Friends

Night time show at Disneyland

The Farm


I have linked 7 relaxing and fun activities below. You can choose your 5 favourite and do one each day. The song maker is very cool and you can spend lots of time creating your own songs!

Activity 1: Colour wheel

Make a colour wheel with objects around your house

Activity 2: Draw a cartoon school

Have a go, stop the video and rewind to help you along the way.

Activity 3: Play Dough

Make homemade play dough. (Or use the one I sent home with your books)

Use this website to help you create something fun

Activity 4: Rock art

Paint some rocks. Give them faces. Do you have a googly eyes? Add those to the rocks if you do but use paint if you don’t.

Activity 5: Create your own song

Use Google music maker to create your own song. You could spend hours experimenting with this! Save your song once it is finished.

Activity 6: Eiffel Tower

Have a go, stop the video and rewind to help you along the way.

Activity 7: Thank you card

You can use this to help you make a thank you card for your parents, to thank them for all they have done for you during your time at home.


As we won’t be getting to have Sport’s Day in school this year, I’ve linked a few activities for you to do at home. Everyone is a winner this year at the Sport’s Day!





It is still so important to look after yourself and your mind and do some activities to help you feel calm and relaxed. Check out some activities below that you can do each day.

Activity 1: Nature

*Spend 5 or 10 minutes to connect with nature. Look out of the window and watch the clouds. Draw the clouds or animals you see flying in the sky.

Activity 2: Positivity Flower

*Draw a circle in the middle of the page. Draw large petals around the flower. In each petal write or draw something positive about yourself.

Activity 3: Stress Sock

*Fill an old sock with something soft.

*You could use bubble wrap, foam packaging, a washing up or shower sponge, rolled up socks or scrunched up wrapping paper. Tie a knot in the top of the sock or use a hair bobble or elastic band to keep the contents in. Squeeze and release the sock in a rhythm that feels right for you.

Activity 4: Relax with rainbow breathing

pic 20.PNG

Activity 5: Feeling positive emotions

pic 21.png

Activity 6: Happy memory snapshots

pic 22.png

Activity 7: Mood Boost

pic 23.png


Keep up some reading each day, hopefully you have some books at home you can read but if not there are still lots of online resources with books to read and listen to. Here are a few audio-books for you to enjoy this week.

05 2025
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