Ms. Healy's home learning 15th - 19th June

Ms. Healy's home learning 15th - 19th June

Hi girls and boys,

I hope you all had a lovely week and managed to get outside in the fresh air even though the sun was gone! We only have a few weeks left of school work until you are on holidays so try your best for these last few weeks and send me on any work that you do!

Here is the work for the week, as usual it is a list of suggestions so don't feel under pressure to do it, just do whatever you feel you can do.

Send me a message on Class Dojo or on my email ( if you need any help with anything or you just want to say hi!

Have a great week.

Talk soon,

Ms. Healy cool


*I hope you are all still keeping a journal of things you are grateful for, if not then take time to do this a couple of times a week.

It is important to discuss our emotions. It's also really good to take some time to think about the times when we feel positive emotions. We start to remember different moments that make us feel happy.

*This week I want you to write down one time during your week that you felt calm, grateful and loved - Where were you at the time? What were you doing? Who was with you?

Here is a list of 50 enjoyable ways to take a little break if you feel like you need one.


Handwriting and Dictation

*Ask someone to call these sentences out to you and practice writing them down correctly.

*Sound out each word and try to spell it correctly.

*If you’re not sure make your best guess.

*Don't forget your capital letters and full stops.

  • I sit beside Peter.
  • I will walk to the park with my dog.
  • I love to fly my kite.
  • Sam wore a purple hat.
  • I eat my breakfast every morning.
  • What time is it?
  • The sun is high in the sky.


*Here is a fun warm up task that involves using your observation skills and building vocabulary. See how many different things you can name.

*This is an activity that can be played inside or outside.

IMG_2905 (1).jpg

  • How many adjectives can you use to describe your monster?
  • Draw a picture of the monster you described into your copy.



*It is important that you continue to practice your reading every day.

*This week I would like you to read these 2 books:

The Little Gingerbread Man - by Carol Moore - A surprising new version of the classic Gingerbread Man fairy tale.


Invisible Alligators - by Hayes Roberts - Little Sari discovers invisible alligators quietly sneaking around creating trouble for her and everyone else.

Find these stories by clicking the links below.

**Questions for before, during and after the story.

reading before.png

reading during.png

reading after.png

Here are some audiobooks for you to sit back, relax and listen to:


*Remember to keep counting forward and back from different numbers between 1-100 everyday.

*Skip counting - count in 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s.

*Continue to practice telling the time every day.

o'clock / half past/ quarter past / quarter to/ half past & five minute intervals


*Can you find each of these coins at home and say the name of each coin.

*Then try some coin rubbings :

Get 1c, 2c, 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, €1, €2 coins

Find a selection of crayons

Place the coins under a piece of paper

Using your crayon colour over the coins that you placed under your page

coins poster.jpg

*Revise saying your months of the year and what months are in each season.

Continue to practice telling the time every day. Have a look at what quarter past & quarter to looks like on a digital clock.

time 1st 2nd.jpg

Match the digital clock and analog clock that tell the same time:

digital analogue clock.png

months.pngmonths 2.png

months 3.png

*Try this place value challenge


You can play lots of fun interactive math games by clicking on the links below.


Caitheamh aimsire = Past Times

Cén caitheamh aimsire is fearr leat? = What is your favourite past time?

An maith leat _____? = Do you like____

An maith leat ag snámh ? = Do you like swimming?

An maith leat ag rith? = Do you like running?

An maith leat ag ithe? = Do you like eating?

Is maith liom = I like

Ní maith liom = I don't like

Is maith liom ag snámh = I like swimming

Ní maith liom ag canadh = I don't like singing


Foghlaim agus scríobh - Learn & write

Write Is maith liom / Ní maith liom sentences in your copy using all of the new vocabulary in the posters

Example: Is maith liom ag imirt peil Ghaelach = I like playing Gaelic football

Ní maith lion ag imirt gailf = I don't like playing golf

ag imirt.jpg

Foghlaim agus scríobh = Learn & write

caitheamh aimsire 2nd.jpg

*Check out these T.V programmes for children on TG4 through Irish. Click on the link below to take you there.




The Life Cycle of a Butterfly:


Draw the Life Cycle of a Butterfly into your copy and describe what happens at each stage in the cycle in your own words.


Read all about our solar system and then answer the questions in your copy.




*Keep getting as much exercise as you can, get out in the fresh air and if it is raining then you can do some of the exercises linked below!

*Aim to be active for 60 minutes each day.



*Doing some art is a nice way to spend some quiet time and a good way to relax.

*The activity this week is to create a Father's Day card for someone you love, it can be for your Dad or Granddad (you can even make it for your Mam!) or anyone you love.

05 2025
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06 2025
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